Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Ten Years Later

I've been watching the 9/11 footage all weekend thinking I should blog about it, but there just doesn't seem to be appropriate words to describe how I feel about that day. Ten years ago, I wasn't a wife or mother. I had been at my "grown up" job for about a month. My dear friend Nick, was just a few days into basic training with the army, hoping to get a little college money. I had no idea that him being in the army and my concern for him would bring us closer together to the point where we would get married a year later. I remember none of us at the Justice Center that day were very productive, we were all glued to the TV. We were confused, angry, scared, united. I remember being glued to the non-stop coverage then much like I am now.

You all know I have experienced tragedy. What I have experienced is nothing compared to those who died or lost loved one's ten years ago. My loss wasn't because of hate. I watch stories of the victims and my heart is so heavy for the widows/widowers, the parents who lost children, the children who lost or never knew their parents, and all the rescue workers who so bravely ran into those towers that day to save lives. My heart is also heavy for all the service members who have selflessly and bravely fought to keep me and my family free and safe.

My life has changed a lot in the last ten years, but I will never forget. I'm not sure how anyone ever could.

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