Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Anonymous Generosity

Forgive me if I sound like a blubbery mess in this post as I am still overwhelmed by the generosity I experienced today. The t-shirts for the The March for Babies Walk were ready to be picked up today. I can't even describe the emotion I felt when I saw Liam's name and footprints on so many t-shirts. I tried to keep it together as I saw the stack of t-shirts that people wanted because of my son and the impact he had on our lives. Again, I'm struggling to come up with the right words to describe my emotion. I kept telling myself not to burst into tears in front of this nice lady I just met. I don't get to see Liam grow up, I don't get to see him laugh, I don't get to see him cry, I don't get to see him roll his eyes at me, but I got to see the impact he's had on this world in that stack of t-shirts. Ah-mazing!

So, I managed to keep it together in front of this very nice lady who really did an outstanding job on these t-shirts. (Her name is Molly at Challenger Sports in BA if you ever have a need for t-shirt printing) Anyway, I asked her what my total was and she said it had been taken care of. What? Excuse me? There must be some mistake. She informed me that an anonymous donor had paid for all the shirts. All. Of. Them. Thirty shirts, paid for by someone who must really really love us. I was speechless. I still am really. To know that I have people in my life that love my family in such a generous way leaves me feeling truly blessed. My tiny son has inspired such generosity and it makes me feel an overwhelming sense of pride and love. Thank you does not seem to sufice to our anonymous donor. I know you want to remain anonymous, but know that I know who you are. I hope that I show you the same friendship that you have shown me. I love you more than words and can't tell you how grateful I am to have you in my life.

Because of the genorosity of this anonymous donor, all of the money I will be collecting for the t-shirts will be donated to the March of Dimes in the hope that other families who experience premature birth and infant loss will experience the love and support that was shown to my family in honor of our son, Liam.

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