Monday, April 30, 2012

Keep Marching On

I am still trying to reflect on the events of this past weekend. We marched for Liam. We marched for Team Zumwalt. We marched for all babies and families affected by prematurity. Our story began in May two years ago. Our family was changed forever. We have experienced unimaginable grief. In that grief we have also experienced the most amazing love. Love we have for Liam. Love we have for each other. Love from Jesus. And love from so many people who have rallied around Team Zumwalt for the last two years.

I was reluctant to start a team for the March for Babies walk. It's been almost two years since Liam died and I didn't think anyone would join. I thought people had moved on. I thought they had forgotten about my son. I didn't want to fail. I didn't want to let Liam down. What a fool I was. I set my initial financial goal at $200. Within 24 hours, I had exceeded that goal. Because of the generosity of people who love us and love Liam, I increased my financial goal numerous times. I don't have a grand total, but according to the website, my team raised $1,092 and that does not include the money I turned in the day of the march from t-shirt money (thanks to my anonymous donor!!!!) and donations made in person. Unbelievable. People haven't forgotten. I didn't fail. I didn't let Liam down.

We had a total of 36 people on our team Saturday. Thirty-six. I am still blown away by it all. Plus, there were countless others who wanted to be a part of the team but couldn't because of distance, previous commitments, ect. Words can not describe how amazing it felt to see everyone show up in their t-shirts with Liam's name and footprints on them. I was at the back of the team during the walk and to see the "sea" of t-shirts sporting Team Zumwalt was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

Two years ago when Liam died, we were showered with love, support, dinner delivery, casseroles, toilet paper, the entire inventory at Target and Sams, and so many other things. How silly I am to think that just because two years have past that our friends and family would act any different. How silly I was to think nobody would sign up. Nick and I have surrounded ourselves with some amazing people and shame on me for thinking that nobody would show up when we've never been let down by them before. Thank you to everyone that was there and walked with us. Thank you to everyone who wanted to be there but couldn't. Thank you to everyone who donated money in honor of Liam. Thank you to my anonymous donor. Thank you to everyone who loves my family and continues to support us. Thank you for remembering Liam. Know that I am eternally grateful to have you in my life.

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