Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Fever

The spring fever season is upon us. No, I'm not talking about allergies although that season has arrived as well. I've been suffering badly from spring fever. I love this time of year. The trees are blooming, flowers are blooming, things are turning green. Despite the wind, the weather is gorgeous. And in general I find that myself and most people are significantly less grumpy. It's our reward after a long hard winter. We've earned it.

Here are my symptoms:
1. Lack of desire to work (more so than usual).
2. A strong desire to be outside at all times.
3. A need to eat every meal outside.
4. A need to play outside with my Boo every second of daylight.
5. I stay up way too late.
6. A need to get frequent pedicures and wear fun spring colors.
7. A need to make my Mister plant flowers in the yard. (I don't like to get my hands dirty)
8. A desire to go to baseball games and eat nachos with fake cheese.
What are your symptoms???

I feel like I missed out on spring last year because I was trying so hard to be pregnant. I think that's why I'm enjoying it so much more this year. We took a lovely family bike ride around the neighborhood this evening. It's fun to be out and about chatting with neighbors. Life is good and I am blessed. I love spring.

1 comment:

  1. Um, this is a bit freaky. I just did a spring fever blog. It's going around!!
