Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I'm Her Nurse/Doctor/Husband

I married well. I am brilliant for my choice in spouse. How smart was I to marry a nurse? Especially with all of my unique issues. I'm sure my husband would like a break from being a nurse during the day then again at home, but I can't help but be super pleased with my spousal selection.

Yesterday I got to experience Nick's bedside manner once again. I broke my ankle almost 6 years ago. My health issues have kept that ankle from ever really healing properly. It has been hurting really bad the past week and was hurting exceptionally bad yesterday. I have a really high pain tolerance, but yesterday it became unbearable. I managed to get ready for work and was actually getting ready to leave. I was telling Nick and Isaac bye and needed to sit down and get the stamina to get to the car. Once I sat down I got really sick to my stomach. Then I felt like I was going to pass out. That's the last thing I remember...

I thought I was waking up from a deep sleep so I was kind of shocked to see Nick standing over me with his fingers on my neck and the phone to his head. I heard him say she's awake now. He asked me if I knew where I was. The look on his face said "she better get this right" so I promptly and loudly answered "I'M AT HOME!" Then he asked me what day it was and again I knew how important it was to get it right so I boldly said "IT"S MAY 1st!" Nick still looked a little panicked so I just kept asking him what happened. He seemed mad when he told me I quit breathing and passed out. Not sure why that would upset him so much? Nick is prepared for any emergency so he had already started my IV by the time the paramedics arrived. They asked if he was my nurse and he was so flustered he said "No, I'm her doctor, no wait I'm her husband." After a few minutes I was scared but knew I was ok. Nick wasn't buying it and insisted I take a ride to the hospital with my new friends, the paramedics. I guess he still has a little PTSD from when I had a stroke, then nearly hemorrhaged to death after I had Liam. I wonder if all his patients stress him out as much as I do? Probably not.

Turns out I was right and I'm just fine. I just had a vagal response from the pain and getting sick from it. My resting heart rate is in the fifties to low sixties so it's not like I have far to go before I pass out anyway, right? There have been many times in life where I've felt like I was going to pass out but this is only the second time I've actually done it. And poor Nick has been by my side both times. I'm pretty sure I've taken at least 20 years off his life with all my shenanigans. I feel really bad for freaking my husband out like that but I'm so grateful that he is always my nurse/doctor/husband and always makes sure I bounce back from whatever ales me. I think it's his turn to have someone take care of him for a while. Thank you for always being my favorite nurse!


  1. So glad you're okay! But what's up with your ankle? Did they check that out?

    1. They took an x-ray and it looked ok, but I'll have to see my ortho doctor to see what's going on. I may need to have the hardware taken out. Super bummer!
