Friday, August 21, 2009

My letter to my son

Dear Isaac,
I have created this blog website because as I look back on the last three years I realize so much has happened and there are many things I want to say to the adult Isaac that I will never remember in 20 years. So here it is. I hope you enjoy and appreciate it.

The most important thing I want you to know is that my one dream for you in life is not that you will grow up and be rich and successful (although that does help make things easier), but that you will grow up and simply be happy. I want to love you unconditionally and teach you to love yourself. With this, true happiness will come. That's all I want for you as that is really what makes life easier.

I've loved you from the second I found out you were in my belly. My heart is bursting with love for you. You are the sun in my sky. You are special. Remember that always.


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