Thursday, August 23, 2012

Back To School

Well, I Isaac survived my his first day of first grade. Naturally, he had a fabulous day and was so excited to be back in the school routine. He loves school and learning so he was super pumped to get back in the school mode. I, on the other hand, was "that mom" all day. It was embarrassing.

 It really started last night when I couldn't sleep because I couldn't believe that Isaac is six and in the first grade. It just doesn't seem reasonable or possible. Then, after our morning routine it was time for the intense photo shoot that almost lasted until the bell rang to begin the school day. I was the crazy paparazzi mom that was taking pictures at home, outside the school, in the hall, and in the classroom.  I noticed that I was the last mom to leave. I promised the teacher that I wouldn't do that every day. She didn't seem too confident about that. I sure hope Isaac doesn't get made fun of for his crazy mom. I told him that I would walk him in on his first day every year until he went to college. For now, he's OK with that plan. Since I noticed I was the only mom left, I realized it was time to say good-bye and be on my way.

As soon as I left the classroom, the tears hit. Yep, I am that lady. You know, the crazy one. There's one in every school. At Wolfcreek, it's me. Nick and I decided to stop for breakfast before work so I could pull myself together. I cried the whole way to breakfast. From south Broken Arrow all the way to Utica Square. Sheesh. I think I get that trait from my Grandma. I'm 35 years old and she still cries when we say good-bye. I remember the last day of kindergarten and snotting all over Isaac's teacher as I was telling her good-bye.

I couldn't wait until the end of the day so I could hear all about Isaac's first day. Since he's a boy, I got very few details. I think he does it on purpose to make me even more crazy. I've made him tell several people about his day so perhaps I could get more details every time he told the story. It worked. I eventually learned that he had an assembly, went to Music, read, had snack, and unpacked all their supplies. Sounds like a pretty successful first day if I do say so myself. And bonus, I didn't stress about him starving to death like I did last year on his first day so maybe I'm growing up just a little bit too.

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