Saturday, February 26, 2011

Four Going On Forty

My son is four. I've been thinking lately that someone should tell him that. Most days he acts like he's four going on forty. Maybe it's because he spends so much time with adults. He thinks it is his personal responsibility to be the naughty word police, the rule breaker police, the manners police, the pet police, ect. Maybe he will actually be a police officer when he grows up since he likes policing so much.

I was watching Grey's Anatomy the other day and had it paused when he came in the room since clearly I don't want him to watch that smut. He asked why I had it paused and I told him the reason. He replied "Uh, I'm allowed to watch Grey's Anatomy, I just can't watch the parts with surgery." Oh, really? I didn't realize you were the one who makes the determination as to what you're "allowed" to watch Mr. Forty year old.

He's constantly talking to me about the things he is going to have when he grows up. Today he told me he was going to have an Audie YesUV, a short school bus, and a fire truck in his garage when he grows up. Oh, and a dirt bike.The adult in me wants to remind him that all of those items including the house and garage come with a hefty payment but I don't. I think it's fun to let him dream.

Someone should tell him to enjoy being four because I'm pretty sure he'll be an adult fast enough and it isn't all fun and games. I wish he could understand what a blessing it is to be a kid and stop trying to grow up so fast. For both our sakes.

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