Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard Schmizzard!

Team Zumwalt is going on day 2 of the epic Blizzard of 2011. We've had record snow in our part of the world and have snow drifts up to our windows. In addition to the record snow, we now have record cold temps with dangerous windchills, which makes going outside to build snow men and snow angels downright miserable. This is where I would normally tell people to have a positive attitude, or play the glad game, or be grateful for what they have. Blah blah blah.
I feel trapped. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for my warm house and electricity. I'm grateful that we are all home safe and sound. I'm grateful that our cars are in the garage and not buried under a foot of snow. I'm grateful we have plenty of food (although we are down to a half gallon of milk). I'm grateful for the extra quality time we have with the Boo. With that being said, I'm still going crazy. REALLY crazy. Just knowing that we can't get out of the neighborhood makes me feel even more trapped. Staying at home when you want to is one thing. Staying at home when you have no other choice does something to the synapse in your brain and makes you go crazy. Plus, I'm edgy. REALLY edgy. I've been snapping at everyone. This is the one time of year I wish we had a SUV with four wheel drive since our sedan type cars would only make it half way out the garage since the snow is so deep.
Here's what we've done to pass the time while we are snowed in. We've done puzzles, played tons of games, played endless amounts of Thomas Misty Island Rescue, had several meltdowns, and watched endless amounts of news coverage on the epic snow. Oh, and we've cooked a lot thanks to my new idol, The Pioneer Woman. It's pretty bad when I can't wait for dinner time to try another one of her recipes. If you haven't heard of The Pioneer Woman, check her out. Unless you are on a diet or eating healthy, she's not for you.
I'm pretty sure we will survive this stupid blizzard. We've survived a lot worse, but anytime mother nature wants to warm up and magically melt all this crap so we can get out and have fun again that would be super.

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