Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Big Step

To say that Nick and I are overprotective of Isaac might be an understatement. Nick works in an ER and I work in child welfare. We've witnessed horrible things you can't even imagine. Combine that with the loss of Liam and there may be no hope of Isaac ever escaping the bubble we try to keep him in. Because of that experience we are very cautious with what we allow Isaac to do and who he is around. Sunday was a big milestone for Nick and I. Isaac was invited to the hockey game by our dear friends and former neighbors. They are good people and came into our lives just when we needed them (and their kids). Anyway, back to the story. Nick and Don had plans to brew beer on Sunday so Natalie offered to take her boys and Isaac to the hockey game. Because Nick and I are overprotective, Nick and I have never let Isaac go anywhere with anyone who wasn't my mom, his mom, or my sister, so this was a big deal. Nick and I really trust Natalie, because we said yes without hesitation. Since Isaac was going on his first outing without family I gave him my motherly lecture before he left. Remember to say please and thank you, no whining, obey Natalie, and be polite. He was so excited. He felt like such a big boy to go on an outing with his friends. Big. Deal. For him and his parents. He had a fabulous time and was super impressed with Natalie's GPS in her car. It felt really really good to know Isaac was in good hands and was having fun with his friends. It felt good to not be that overprotective parent that doesn't allow their child to do anything without them. I know Nick and I are going to have to loosen up and not be so protective all the time. We certainly don't want him to totally rebel when he's older because we never let him out of the house when he was young. I'll never stop being cautious about who I allow around my child, but it is so comforting to know we have friends like Don and Natalie that allow us to loosen up a bit and allow our kid to have some fun without us every now and then. Nick and I are finally growing up...

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