Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dear Mrs. Kindergarten Teacher

Dear Mrs. Kindergarten Teacher,

I know you have a very difficult job managing 20 five year olds and all, but I'd like to give you formal notice that I have a very difficult job too. I work full time at a very demanding job and then I come home and take care of my five year old. I'm all for enrichment projects and such, but I would greatly appreciate it if you gave me more notice when assigning "homework" to my five year old since I do in fact have a full time job other than being a parent. Especially considering the fact that assigning a five year old homework means the said five year old will need constant adult supervision and assistance. Perhaps giving parents a weekend to do these "projects" would solve the problem. I must go now and do my...er... I mean my five year old's homework.

Thanks for your consideration,

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