Sunday, January 1, 2012

Is It 2012 Already?

Like many of you the past few days have been spent reflecting on the past year and wondering what the new year will bring. I normally don't make resolutions, but I did last year. Eleven of them to be exact. I must say, I did pretty well on all of them. Let's reflect: I did accessorize more courtesy of the beautiful jewelry my mother-in-law makes for us girls. I tried to be a better friend, I certainly called in sick to work when I was actually sick and maybe a time or two where I wasn't really that sick. I definitely baked more and I certainly tried lots of new foods and recipes. I said "yes" to Isaac way too much. I didn't text and drive, that much. I certainly exercised more this past year than I have in many years. In doing that I feel like I was honoring Liam which was number ten last year. Practicing better communication is still a work in progress so maybe we'll add that to this year's resolutions. There's lots that needs to be said. Perhaps I'll find the courage to say it. Time will tell.

I can't help but be a little sad as we welcome 2012. It makes me feel that much more distant from 2010 and Liam. Liam is still a very real part of our family, but 2012 means it's been nearly two years since I held him, smelled him, memorized him and gave him back. Life goes on and we have moved forward, but I so desperately want to hang on to Liam and bring him with us. My faiths tells me we will be together again one day. My faith is what helped me survive to 2012. My faith will keep me going still.

Isaac is getting older by the second and pretty soon he won't be my little baby anymore either. I couldn't help but get a little emotional today as we put Isaac's train table in the attic. It symbolized the passing of time and how he isn't our sweet little toddler anymore who loves Thomas more than anything. He's such a big boy and doesn't hesitate to let me know. My boys both melt my heart and I just want to bottle every moment I have/had with them.

So in 2012, I resolve to enjoy the moments I have with my family. Life is short and it goes by fast. Tomorrow will come and I don't want to feel sad that I didn't enjoy yesterday to the fullest. Happy New Year!

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