Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Proud Parenting Moments"

Ah, proud parenting moments. I've had a lot. And by proud parenting moments, I really mean dumb things I've done as a mom. There is no such thing as a perfect parent. We all make mistakes. I've made many and I'm sure I will make many more. I'd like to confess a few of my "proud parenting moments" so you can feel better about yourself as a parent. You're welcome. I'll begin with the time I lost Isaac at the mall. He was 18 months old. I was shopping for jeans and he was in the stroller right in front of me. My mom and I realized he was being awfully quiet so we checked the stroller. He was gone. G.O.N.E. I panicked and froze. My mom of course started searching for him. He was probably only missing for less than a minute but it was the longest minute of my life. From then on I realized why they put seatbelts in strollers. Another proud parenting moment(s) is when I've been too tired to feed my kid a normal breakfast so I've allowed him to eat cheez-its, cookies, and other crackers for breakfast. I know, mother of the year over here, right? I don't do that very often but sometimes its fun and easy to eat crap for breakfast. The final proud parenting moment I'll share is the time Nick and I let Isaac play in the backyard for the first time unsupervised. This turned out to be a problem for the poor dog. Isaac found the tree loppers and decided to test them out on the dogs tail. Clearly, four year olds still need to be supervised even in the back yard. The dog recovered nicely and appreciated the apology gift Isaac got for him. I've had more but I think I should stop there. When you do what I do for a living you have the opportunity to see a lot of parents. I'm just grateful that none of my "proud parenting moments" have resulted in someone like me intervening in our lives. I'm pretty sure that even though I'm not a perfect parent, my son will turn out alright.

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