Sunday, July 3, 2011


As we celebrate the 4th of July and our Freedom, I must say I am grateful for a whole new freedom. While I'm still grateful to live in free country and even more grateful to all the military men and women who continue to devote their lives to protecting my freedom, I am also grateful for a new kind of freedom. As you all know, I've had health problems since I was six so considering my age, that's nearly all my life. I've struggled nearly my entire adult life with the symptoms of my chronic illness. Sometimes, even the smallest task such as squeezing the shampoo bottle or turning the ignition in my car was unbearable. I'm not really complaining about that though, I think it helped make me tough. Emotionally and physically. But, in the last year I have finally been accurately diagnosed therefore I am being treated accurately. I'm 34 years old and I finally feel good. To me, that's a whole new freedom. I've spent my summer swimming with my kid, playing outside with my kid, riding bikes with my family, and spending our weekends doing fun family outings. To me this is freedom. And because of it hopefully my son will have fabulous memories of his childhood instead of memories of his mom being sick all the time. Freedom.

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