Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Sweet Liam

My dearest Liam,

I'm positive I've figured out the reason why you were put in my life for a brief moment. Had it not been for you, I never would have made that OB appointment and discovered how "sick" I really was. The day you were born and ultimately died, I made a promise to you that I would get healthy. I would do whatever it took to overcome these health problems so I could be a good mom to Isaac. I didn't want your death to be in vain. I'm happy to report I've kept my promise. I'm healthier than Ive been in a long time. I have you to thank for that. I can't say it enough, if it weren't for you I wouldn't have the life I have now.

I've learned a lot from this experience. I learned to be grateful for the little things. I learned that good can come from something bad. I learned that life is precious and you have appreciate each moment. I've learned that attitude is everything. I've learned that kidneys are stupid but you still have to take care of them. I've learned that Lupus is serious but if your tough you can beat it.

This I know for sure, you were a tiny gift with a big purpose. You did well. I love you for that. I still think of you daily. Especially when I'm enjoying my time with Isaac. We will be together again one day my sweet Liam. Until then, know that I am grateful for what you did for our family.

All my love,

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