Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Kindergarten Diet

So, apparently my concerns about my child starving to death at school were not entirely unwarranted. It's been a week now and I figured we'd have this lunch thing figured out by now, but it seems as though it's a work in progress. The two days he had school last week he took his lunch to school. He was able to successfully open and close his lunch box so at least that worked out. He was not however, able to figure out how to buy milk. I sure am glad I sent a drink with him on the off chance he wasn't able to work it out. (I probably should explain why I'm so concerned about this milk thing. See, my child is weird. He doesn't drink juice boxes, capri-sun's, or any of that type of drink. Bizzarre, right?) Then comes Monday. He decided to eat in the cafeteria since they were having pizza. I was excited of course because I though he would finally be able to figure out this milk situation. He said lunch was good and he got milk. Success, finally. Or not. He told me the next morning that he wasn't able to finish his lunch and the lady made him take it to the classroom. Apparently, I have a slow eater. After he stood in line for food, he didn't have enough time to finish his lunch. Fortunately, they let him take it to class so he wouldn't starve. So, he decided to take his lunch after that so he'd have more time to eat. Tuesday he promised me he got milk although I didn't see on his account where he was charged for it. That probably means one of two things. 1. I have a thief for a son. 2. I have a liar for a son. I'm not sure which I would prefer, but oh well. Today, he came home and he had only eaten his sandwich for lunch. Nothing else. How do I know this? Well, I went through his lunch box. But he has also been a bottomless pit since he got home. We had only been home an hour and he ate two snack size M&M bags, a Hershey's mini, two Gogurts, and some pringles. All before dinner. Clearly he was starving, so I asked him why he didn't eat his lunch. He informed me he just didn't have enough time. Clearly my child has no concept of time. That or he's a ridiculously slow eater. They even have recess before lunch so I would think he'd be ravenous enough to eat quickly. Not so, apparently. Call me crazy though, it does seem a little frantic to expect five year olds to eat in just 20 minutes. I just hope he gets in the swing of things soon, all this worrying about his lunch is exhausting.

1 comment:

  1. They don't get a lot of time for lunch. First they stand in line to wash their hands. Then, if they're buying milk or a meal they have to stand in line again. It's a little confusing. If he's just getting milk, the cashier is nowhere near the milk and there's not really a direct line from the milk to the cashier. Even kids getting a meal have gotten confused and bypassed the cashier. It's all new to the kindergartners but they'll be old pros at it in a week or two.
