Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day!

It's been an emotional day and I've been a hot mess, but I'm happy to report that we survived the first day of kindergarten. I was prepping Isaac for school and was telling him I would leave work early to pick him up and he wouldn't have to start the after school program until Monday. Here's where it gets painful: Isaac told me he didn't want to be picked up, he wanted to go to the after school program today. Ouch. I pulled myself together, and we were on our way (after the insane paparazzi moment we had at home). We were taking a few more pictures when Isaac asked us "are you guys going to leave?" Uh, not how I had pictured this going, but ok. I said "should we leave?" To which he replied "yes." Just then, I'm pretty sure I was stabbed in the heart although I saw no bleeding. So we quickly left and went to the Boo Hoo breakfast that was hosted by the PTA. I didn't see any boo hoo-ing going on so I had to try real hard to keep it together. I didn't want to be that mom.

I thought about him all day. I couldn't help myself. I'd watch the clock and wondered what he was doing at that moment and couldn't wait to pick him up. Finally, at 4:30 I couldn't stand it any longer and I left work to go get my big kindergarten boy. I walked in and found a boy who was about to crash. His big day had worn him out. Once we got home, I forced him to sit down and tell me every detail. After about 30 seconds of the play by play he said "and then we did blah blah blah, and when I say blah blah blah, that means we did a lot of stuff." Priceless. I asked him if he made any new friends today and he said "no, but probably I will tomorrow."

I still can't believe he's in kindergarten, but I'm so glad he had a good day and loves school. And I know you will all be as relieved as I was to know that he did not starve today as he was able to open his lunch box.

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