Sunday, November 27, 2011

Be Careful, We're Making Memories

So, we put up the Christmas tree. Isaac has been asking to do this for days. We finally made plans. We put it off as long as we could. The time is here. We're making memories. We start by pulling out the ornaments. I should preface this by informing you that our ornaments are all blown glass and pretty fra-gee-lay. And by fragile, I mean they don't mix well with an eager five year old who thinks he's grown. We're still making memories. While I'm distracted by talking on the phone, Isaac succeeds in dumping one of the boxes of ornaments out making a crashing sound. Nothing broke...this time, but there was yelling and tears involved. Isaac thought he wasn't going to get presents. Ah, just the memories I want Isaac to have. We're trucking along, and Isaac has deaf ears to us. At this point if I didn't know better I would've thought he was on crack. Still making memories?? We pull out our new ornament we got last year and I ask Isaac to bring me scissors so I can cut the tag off. My mistake was not telling Isaac to leave the ornament with me. He comes rushing back and drops the ornament. It shatters and glass goes everywhere. I had to walk away so I wouldn't yell. I had to keep reminding myself that "we are making memories here" so I kept it together. Barely. What wonderful memories Isaac is going to have. Nothing says Merry Christmas like barking orders, yelling, broken ornaments, tears, and the fear of no presents. Right?? What wonderful memories Isaac will have of decorating the Christmas tree with his parents. I just love making memories. Please tell me we aren't the only family with these types of warm fuzzy memories????

1 comment:

  1. roflol No, you're not the only ones. And trust me, the kids have a wonderful way of blocking these things out and remembering the good stuff.

    Now? My kids are old enough to put up the tree and decorate it by themselves. :) It's a lot less stressful. :)

    Hang in there!
