Saturday, November 20, 2010

The amazing man I married

I feel and overwhelming desire to let the world know how wonderful I think my husband is. I truly believe he is the man that was made for me and we were meant to spend our lives together.

Let me start at the beginning though. We kind of went to high school together although he was a sophomore when I was a senior. Yes, I married a younger man. We were in band together so that is how I was somewhat familiar with him. I use that term loosely because all I remember really is there was this kind of nerdy male flute player with long hair and I really thought he had no friends. Turns out, he is still kind of nerdy and has no hair, but he had and still has tons of friends. Boy was I wrong. Fast forward several years later when we met again at the psych ward. As employees of course, not patients. He was engaged to someone else and I was in a...well, let's call it a close friendship. Nick and I became friends, both of our relationships ended, and we became closer friends. We hung out all the time until he had a crazy idea to join the army. A few days into basic training 9/11 happened. Crap! My little army friend just wanted to get some college money and now he might go to war. I wrote my little army friend a letter every day he was gone. He was gone from September-April so you can imagine that's a lot of letters. Nick was scheduled to come home for Christmas and as his visit got closer our letters became more serious and we started talking about how we needed to "talk" when he came home. Well, our serious talk consisted of this:

Laura: When are you going to "talk" to me?

Nick: Are you talking about the fact that we are insanely crazy about each other?

Laura: :)

End of conversation. We've been together ever since. And were married a year and a week after that conversation.

When we got married we vowed to love one another in sickness and health. Nick says I'm the sickness and he's the health. Sometimes I wonder if he really knew how much sickness there would be, but I think he still would have signed up even if he'd have known. Right after Isaac was born, my rheumatoid arthritis flared really bad so Nick was the one who woke up EVERY night with Isaac so I could get sleep and be able to take care of Isaac during the day. How many dad's can say they were the parent who was up all night with the baby? He continues to be just as hands on with Isaac as he was in the beginning. He's the parent who bathes Isaac and puts him to bed every night. I love that he is the most amazing dad to my sons. He even put Liam to "bed" as he was the one to lower him into the grave and covered him with dirt.

This man I married loves me more than I ever imagined possible. He calls me his hero. Me? I'm the hero? I think not. He's the hero. He's the one who keeps things going when I can't. He's the one who takes care of Isaac and I. He is our rock. We'd be lost without him. I thank God every day that He made Nick for me. I can't imagine my life without him. I'm quite possibly the luckiest girl in the world. Next month we will celebrate 8 years of marriage. I can't wait to see what the next eight years has in store for us. Like the last 8, I'm sure there will be good times and bad, more sickness and health, but no matter what life throws at us I am confident that we will get through it because we are Team Zumwalt and we can do anything as long as we have each other.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you guys talk about each other. It's too sweet! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
