Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I have a confession...I haven't always been a reader

I have a strong desire to confess something to the world. Many of you have commented through Facebook about my reading. "Wow, you're a fast reader" or " You sure do read a lot". Well, here it is. Wait for it. I've only really been a reader for about a year. It's true. I used to HATE reading. I got so annoyed with Nick for wanting to read while we were on our honeymoon. I kept telling him he could read for free when we got home. The rest of my family can also tell you about my past hate for reading. I would beg my mom and sister not to read on trips. My mom has told me stories of trying to read to me as a child and I was not interested AT ALL. It frustrated my reader mother. I apparently had issues. I also remember many overseas flights where it would have been very convenient to be a reader, but no, I just suffered from boredom. Now I realize how much I've missed all these years.
So what changed? I have no idea. I read maybe a handful of books up until a year ago. I can't even remember what they might have been other than a few Dr. Phil books and "Tuesdays with Morrie" in college. Man, that book was embarrassing. I read it while working the front desk of the dorms in college and had people ask if I was ok when they noticed I was sobbing. Anyway, back to the question. What changed. I was inspired to read "The Last Lecture" last year after watching a re-run of Oprah. What an amazing book. It was a life changing book. Read it if you haven't already, you won't be sorry. I truly enjoyed myself and decided to give another book a try. I started with "Twilight" because everyone kept talking about it and ended up finishing the entire series in two weeks. I moved on to the Harry Potter series and I have been hooked on reading ever since.
My point of all of this is to confess that I'm not this amazing reader everyone keeps commenting about. I just have A LOT of catching up to do. There, I've said it. I feel cleansed. I hope you still like me after realizing I'm not the amazing reader you thought.

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