Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010...check.

So another Halloween has come and gone. Several weeks ago we started asking Isaac what he wanted to be for Halloween. His response was quick and confident, he wanted to be the Titanic. Oh. "Well, if you can't be the Titanic what do you want to be?" Again, the Titanic. We strongly encouraged him to have a plan B which he eventually did, Wolverine. How the heck does he know about the Titanic and Wolverine? It's surely not because of anything we have taught him. We eventually went to the Halloween store and he saw the Harry Potter costume and made me very proud when he decided that is what he would be for Halloween. We love Harry in this house so imagine the pride I felt when my four year old took interest.

Can I just say that I truly believe that my son was the cutest Harry Potter I think I've seen in my whole life. The robe, glasses, tie, and wand were just about the cutest thing ever. He was all pumped to go trick or treating. He's four so his bucket isn't very big and he quickly returned home with an overflowing bucket. He had fun but what struck me as amazing and prompted this blog was the fact that I truly believe my son had more fun when he got home and helped us pass out candy to the other kids. Isaac was so thrilled every time someone came to the door and he could give them a treat. He had such enjoyment in putting candy in other kid's buckets that I filled with pride. Here was a four year old that had more fun GIVING than taking. I've always known that he had a generous spirit but to see it in action on a regular basis makes this momma so proud.

I must add a disclaimer that I don't really even consider Halloween a real holiday which is why I was even more moved by the actions of my four year old. Even this non-holiday turned into a "giving" occasion. I realize its just candy but that's huge for a kid. At least I think so. I love that about my kid. I hope he doesn't loose sight of what is important in life. We have enough takers in this world. We need to keep all the givers we can.

Now, is it too early to put up the Christmas lights?

1 comment:

  1. We are huge Harry fans in this house. I'm sure your son was adorable!
