Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How come?

For those of you parents out there, do you remember the stage in your child's life when they started incessantly asking "how come" or "why" to the point you want to scream? Well, we've hit that stage in my house big time. Isaac is a smart boy and he always asks a lot of questions but lately the "how come" questions seem to be never ending. Like today, he asked "how come that bus is right there?" How the heck do you answer that? Who cares why the bus is there. It's driving somewhere to pick up kids or take them home. So that answer leads to "how come the bus has to take the kids home?" For real kid? Can't we just drive down the street in peace and quiet?

Last week he asked why there were cones in the road. I said because they are doing construction. He asked why were they doing construction so I told him the road was old. He asked why the road was old. I told him that sometimes roads get worn out when lots of people drive on them. He asked why lots of people drive on the road. I saw no end in sight from this line of questioning so I referred him to his dad who just turned the music up louder. To which Isaac asked "why did you turn the music up?"

Then it gets more frustrating because if you say "I don't know" that just leads to more questions. I like that he wants to learn and ask questions but Momma could use a break. I'm exhausted. Again, I like that he wants to learn and is highly intelligent but lately his "need to know gene" that I'm pretty sure he got from his father, is really grating on my nerves. I could care less why the road gets old or why the bus is driving down the road.

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